If you are interested in recruitment, please send your application surveys (click to complete and send) containing e-mail addresses.
Już teraz rodziców zainteresowanych rekrutacją na rok szkolny 2025/26 zapraszamy na spotkanie, które odbędzie się 21 października o 18:00 – następne 25 listopada.
Recruitment for class 1 consists of two parts:
- meetings of teachers (including educators/psychologists) with children,
- conversations between the management and parents
Zasady rekrutacji jakie obowiązywały do klasy I w roku szkolnym 2024/25
Parents will be informed about the recruitment results no later than 7 days after the interviews.
If you are interested in joining our community this school year, please contact us to arrange an individual meeting. A child applying for admission to existing classes, if a place is available, must participate in a 2-3-day trial period.
e-mail contact: rekrutacja@szkolapitagoras.pl
telephone +48 728 52 52 54
A necessary condition for applying for admission to school is having all mandatory vaccinations. The exception are people who have confirmed medical reasons, e.g. they are undergoing treatment that makes vaccination impossible, or they have a weakened immune system as a result of chemotherapy. It is for such people that we require vaccination of all other people.
In case of allergies, we would like to inform you that dog therapy classes are held at the school, and dogs sometimes accompany subjects during classes.
One of the School's assumptions is to care for personal contacts between students. Therefore, there are restrictions on the use of electronic devices, including a ban on students using their own mobile phones on school premises.
Opłaty (w roku szkolnym 2024/25)
- czesne miesięczne wynosi 2100 zł – płatne przez 12 miesięcy
- entry fee PLN 2,000 (PLN 1,000 for siblings of our older students)
- additionally paid mandatory meals, uniforms, textbooks, trips, green school
- recruitment fee PLN 200 – in the case of recruitment involving 2-3 days of observation
Discounts for siblings attending NSP PITAGORAS:
- First child: payment of 100% of the nominal tuition fee
- Second child: payment of 90% of the nominal tuition fee
- Third and each subsequent child: payment of 50% of the nominal tuition fee
Bank account number: 66 1140 2004 0000 330276053753
NSP Pitagoras ul. Główna 12 Rusiec