Anna Szymaszczyk

Nauczycielka etyki i zajęć Dociekania Filozoficzne

A graduate of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw, as well as numerous postgraduate studies. She has always been fascinated by the non-obviousness of the world, man and attempts to research them. For many years she has been conducting philosophical investigations with students of primary and secondary schools. Within the Association Phronesis  tries to promote and practice the development of various thought activities, e.g. she trained teachers in implementing the project Pozwolić uczniom myśleć – organized by the Association Phronesis and the Gniezno Millennium Higher School.   Co-organizer Labiryntu Filozoficznego for children and adults in Podkowa Leśna and co-author of a pedagogical experiment called Myślenie na scenie – addressed to students of older grades of primary and secondary schools. Privately, she is married and has three adult children. She likes classical music. "I feel great surrounded by nature."

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