Our team

School principal, mathematics and geography teacher
Early childhood education teacher
Polish language teacher
English teacher, physical education
Biology, chemistry and nature teacher. Doctor of biological sciences
Math teacher, psychologist, therapist
English language teacher
Mathematics and physical education teacher.
Early childhood education teacher
Early school education teacher, educational therapist, fitness instructor
Early school education teacher, special therapist, supporting teacher
Polish language teacher
English language teacher
English language teacher
Native speaker
Fencing coach, physical education teacher
physical education teacher
Physics, technology and mathematics teacher; fitness, sports shooting, pilates, yoga, dietetics and strength training instructor
Geography and nature teacher
History teacher
teacher of German, Latin and Greek.
Early childhood education and German teacher
Music teacher
psychologist and oligophrenopedagogist
early school education teacher, supporting teacher
Football and athletics instructor
Religion teacher
Teacher of ethics and Philosophical classes
phm. support staff
Speech therapist
Teacher of IT, physical education and safety education
Ballet teacher
Art teacher
Early childhood education teacher
Early childhood education and art teacher